Pick your Speciality
Answering the most commonly asked questions about specializations
As medical students, we’re often asked about our future specialization plans. Sometimes, we enter our studies with a clear vision, while other times, we have only a vague idea. Regardless, our curiosity about the various fields of medicine never wanes. A quick Google search can reveal the average duration of training, average salary, and other general details about different specializations. However, it often falls short in addressing the practical aspects: What is the work-life balance like? How much time will I need to dedicate each week? What will my work schedule look like once I become a specialist? Is it possible to balance a demanding career with personal goals and family life?
To provide comprehensive answers to these questions, swimsa reached out to professional associations across all medical fields and consulted doctors at various stages of their careers. We have gathered their insights and perspectives to help guide you in choosing the right path. Explore the compiled information below and find the specialization that aligns with your aspirations!