The Commission on Sexual Health fights for a society free from stigma and discrimination.
swimsa believes in a world in which every individual is empowered to exercise their sexual and reproductive health rights equally, free from stigma and discrimination.
We want to give our members the skills and knowledge of our members, providing training on comprehensive sexuality education and other reproductive health issues, exchanging ideas and projects, as well as drafting policies and working with our external partners in order to create change at the local, regional, and international level.

Within IFMSA
The CoSH brings together swimsa members, whose activities falls within SCORA’s scope of action. SCORA is the Standing Committee on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights including HIV and AIDS. Its pillars are the following:

1. Comprehensive Sexual Education
2. Sexuality and Gender Diversity
3. HIV and other STIs
4. Maternal Health & Access to Safe Abortion
5. Gender Based Violence
Our Structure
The CoSH is composed of five associate members of swimsa, active in at least one of the five pillars of SCORA. The National Officer on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights including HIV and AIDS (NORA) is the swimsa internal in charge of CoSH. Their responsabilities include supporting the members of the CoSH, representing their opinion on an international level and keeping the members up to date on IFMSA matters regarding sexual and reproductive rights and health including HIV and AIDS.

Are you interested in fighting for a society free of stigma and discrimination ? Do you have any questions or need further information? Please do not hesistate to contact the National Officer for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights including HIV and AIDS (NORA) at nora@swimsa.ch.