International Events
Learn about international events for medical students and consider participating in one!
General Assemblies (GAs)
The IFMSA General Assembly takes place twice a year, traditionally during the first week of March and August, bringing together over 800 medical students from around the world. During this event, delegates get to participate in one out of the six Standing Committee sessions and take part in the decision making process of the Federation.
European Regional Meeting (EuRegMe)
The IFMSA European Regional Meeting takes place once a year, usually for five days during April, bringing together over 300 medical students from the European Region. During this event, delegates get to participate in one out of the six Standing Committee sessions and take part in the federation’s decision making process on a regional level.
Do you have any questions or need further information? Please do not hesistate to contact the Vice President for Global Affairs (VPG) at vpg@swimsa.ch.