For our members

Training aims to equip medical students with skills for effective participation in IFMSA/swimsa and future medical careers.


Training is part of the engagement of the IFMSA (International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations). Training aims to make skills and knowledge accessible to medical students from all over the world. They should enable participants to better fulfil their tasks in the IFMSA/swimsa and become better doctors later on.

The training courses follow the principle of peer education, a form of teaching in which medical students themselves lead the training and share their knowledge. New knowledge is also developed together with the participants. All trainers receive their training in a TNT workshop (Training New Trainers).

The topics that might be covered in trainings are time management, personal leadership, charisma, creative thinking, peer education, public speaking, institutional memory, member recruitment, communication, teambuilding, advocacy, and a lot more.

Training sessions are an unique experience and the enthusiasm of all participants and trainers is always very high. You get to know new, inspiring people and have a great time together. You develop your own personality, acquire knowledge, form your own opinion on new topics and acquire skills that will help you throughout your life, both personally and professionally.

Training opportunities


During the term there are various events were training sessions are offered (in chronological order):

    • Exchanges weekend – mainly for swimsa Exchange Officers, but accepts guests
    • March Meeting – General Assembly of IFMSA, where you can attend training before and sessions during the event
    • SMSC – different workshops from swimsa’s members, partners and trainers on various topics
    • EuRegMe – European Regional Meeting, where you can attend training before and sessions during the event
    • SMSC – different workshops from swimsa’s members, partners and trainers on various topics
    • August Meeting – General Assembly of IFMSA, where you can attend training before and sessions during the event
    • SubRegionalTrainings – Different countries organise workshops which are open to participants from the world. It is a great opportunity to network with students from other countries. You might get some sort of financial compensation for it from swimsa. They share a call for participants with the NOCB from other countries.

From time to time swimsa also has its own training weekend, online sessions or projects going on where you can join. For example sessions during the presidents’ or projects’ meeting, the skillsa project or sessions during our General Assembly.


If you are interested in attending a training sign up for the mailing list [add link], check our instagram for training opportunities or contact

For full members, associate members and other organisations

Is your organisation in need of some trainers for an event you are planning? Does your executive board need some new soft skills for a project you are planning? In this case you can contact with your ideas, wishes and information regarding time, location and number of participants. They will help you with organising a workshop, finding suitable trainers or other arising questions.

Trainers of swimsa

swimsa has its own trainers with different levels of experience, and different focus of topics, which are able to deliver meaningful and engaging sessions. They are part of the Trainers Pool, coordinated by the NOCB where calls for trainers are shared. 

If you are already a trainer and would like to become a part of the Trainers Pool, please write an e-mail to with your Trainers portfolio.


Do you have any questions or need further information? Please do not hesistate to contact the National Officer on Capacity Building at

You can also check out the linktree of IFMSA for more information and resources about capacity building.