
Dans l’IFMSA ainsi que dans les swimsa Exchanges, de nombreuses abréviations sont utilisées. Pour te faciliter la lecture des nombreux nouveaux termes, nous te renvoyons à cette liste:

AF: Application Form

ECs: Exchange Conditions

EF: Evaluation Form

CA: Card of Acceptance

CoD: Card of Documents

CC: Card of Confirmation

IL: Invitation Letter

PDT: PreDeparture Training

UAT: Upon Arrival Training

EA: Educational Activity

IFMSA: International Federation of Medical Students Associations

LC: Local Committee

NSP: National Social Program

CP: Contact Person

LEO: Local Exchange Officer

LORE: Local Officer on Research Exchange

NEO: National Exchange Officer

NORE: National Officer on Research Exchange

SCOPE: Standing Committee on Professional Exchange

SCORE: Standing Committee on Research Exchange

SCORA: Standing Committee on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights including HIV and AIDS

SCOPH: Standing Committee on Public Health

NMO: National Member Organization: (sending NMO: the NMO where you come from, responsible for the outgoings selection

process – hosting NMO: the NMO which is responsible for organizing the and hosting the international student)

CB: Capacity Building

TNET: Training New Exchange Trainers

PRET: Professional and Research Exchange Training

SRT: Sub-Regional Training

GA: General Assembly

MM: March Meeting

AM: August Meeting