swimsa Internals
How is swimsa structured? Who are the people behind swimsa?
Executive Board (EB)
The president is the heart of the EB. They coordinate the EB internally and are also the first representation towards externals.
The GS is the first contact person for any inquiries and they manage all administrative aspects within the organization.
The VPC is in charge of swimsa’s representation on social media, the website, the monthly newsletter, and the journal.
The VPA chairs the Commission on Medical Education, where they discuss concrete topics, write statements and represent the view of medical students to organizations.
The VPX is the chairperson for swimsa exchanges, and they and collaborate with exchanges programs from all over the world.
The VPE focuses on swimsa’s relationships with partners and sponsors and representing the interests of swimsa to our partners.
The VPG advocates for swimsa in the IFMSA and are responsible for the representation of swimsa at international conferences.
The VPI is responsible for the full and associate members of swimsa, and they are responsible for all internal communication.
The treasurer manages all the finances of swimsa and are responsible for reimbursements of expenses and the management of the swimsa Fonds.
National Officers (NOs)
NOME acts as a bridge between IFMSA and national medical education initiatives, organize national events and support AK/Cofo delegates.
The NPO represents swimsa, its projects and commitments in public health on a national and international level, and co-chairs the CoPHR.
The NORP represents swimsa, its projects and commitments in human rights and peace on a national and international level, and co-chairs the CoPHR.
The NOCB is responsible for the training activities swimsa provides to its internals and members and represents the link in this area to the IFMSA.
The NORA coordinates the collaboration of swimsa’s associate members involved in sexual health and chairs the CoSH (Committee on Sexual Health).
Miriam Praxmarer
National Officer on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights including HIV and AIDS (NORA)
Exchanges Team (NEXT)
The NEO-In coordinates all international clinical exchanges for medical students coming from abroad, and coordinates their exchanges.
The NEO-Out coordinates all international clinical exchanges for Swiss medical students going abroad.
The NORE is responsible for the research exchange in Switzerland and coordinates the exchanges of incomings and outgoings.
The NEO Assistant supports the NEO-In and the NEO-Out in coordinating the clinical exchanges of incomings and outgoings.
The NORE-Assistant supports the NORE in coordinating the international students coming to Switzerland for research exchanges.
The National Exchanges Treasurer manages the finances of exchanges in collaboration with the VPX.
The TSC works together with the VPX and all medical exchange programs in Switzerland, which are independent of IFMSA.
Open Position
Third State Coordinator (TSC)
Liaison Officers (LOs)
The LO-MeBeKo represents swimsa’s views and can vote on behalf of swimsa in the extra-parliamentary Commission of the BAG/OFSP.
The LO-vsao/asmac represents swimsa’s views and can vote on behalf of swimsa in the meetings and committees of the vsao/asmac.
The FMH is the association of swiss doctors, and the LO-FMH attends the “Ärztekammer”/
”Chambre médicale” and represents swimsa’s views.
The LO-BAG/OFSP represents swimsa’s views and can vote on behalf of swimsa in the platform “Zukunft ärztliche Bildung/Avenir de la formation médicale”.
This LO sits at the FMH's Planetary Health working group and is the contact person for planetary health questions within swimsa.
The LO-VSS represents swimsa within the Swiss Students Union and connects the two organizations.
The LO-WHO represents swimsa at the World Health Organization (WHO) assemblies.
The LO-SBH represents swimsa at the Swiss Brain Health Group (SBH).
swimsa Internals
Advocacy is a very important part of swimsa and they coordinate and manage Advocacy Board meetings, in order to advocate for swiss medical students
Our Legal Counsel is here to support the EB with
legal advice where needed.
The ES is a part of an external company which provides consulting services and administrative support.
Supervising Council (SVC)
The SVC oversees the work of the executive board and makes sure the bylaws are being adhered to.
The SVC oversees the work of the executive board and makes sure the bylaws are being adhered to.